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Pasta ai Tre Crostacei

(Bevan’s Pasta with 3 Crustaceans)

As much as I love the Grande Cattura alla Pasta, it does take a lot of time to cook. So this is the “water down” version….

You can use pretty much any long pasta you like if you want to be fancy. I find spaghettini seems to be the right size pasta for me.

Serves 4

  • 500ml Prawn stock. If not using prawn stock then use pasta water.
  • 4 tsps capers
  • 6 gloves garlic
  • Chilli flakes (personal preference)
  • 6-8 pieces of anchovies
  • 10 cherry tomatoes cut in halves
  • 12 Scallops
  • 16 Green Tiger Prawns, deveined, peeled and seasoned with a bit of salt
  • 140g Blue Swimmer Crab Meat
  • Parsley (personal preference)
  • 400g of spaghetti,
  • Extra virgin olive oil (cover base of pan)
  • 1 cup of white wine
  • Whisky (30ml) if flambé-ing
  1. Rinse scallops and pat dry with paper towels. Add salt on top just before cooking.
  2. Cook pasta - time recommended on package minus 2 minutes. Cook to just under al dente. The rest will be cooked when in pan.
  3. Heat oil in big pan on medium heat.
  4. Add prawns to pan. Immediately flip to other side of prawns.
  5. Cook for about 1 minute until prawns is opaque. Remove and place on plate.
  6. Heat oil in big pan on medium heat.
  7. Add scallops in clockwise direction. Sear for 2 minutes until base golden brown.
  8. Turn over for another 2 minutes. Toss.
  9. If flambé is desired, add prawns back to pan with scallops and flambé together with 30ml of whisky.
  10. Remove and place on plate.
  11. Heat oil and add garlic, chilli flakes, capers, tomatoes and anchovies. Mix evenly.
  12. Add white wine and bring to boil.
  13. Add pasta. Add pasta water one ladle at a time depending on how much sauce you want.
  14. Stir and coat pasta with sauce.
  15. Mix prawns and scallops back in pan for 30 seconds.
  16. Reduce until liquid is thick sauce like.
  17. Turn off heat.
  18. Add parsley, plate and serve.
This recipe is printed from Piacere Cucinare (

Last edited: 23.07.2022

Piacere Cucinare: Simple recipes that's a pleasure to cook

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